Photo Tour of Ecology Housing
in Seagoville, Texas


The camp in Seagoville is famous in the MCS world.  Over the decades, the number of people who have lived there must be above a thousand.  The following pictures were all taken in the years 2000–2002.


The front pond


Camp overview from the north


Camp overview from the northwest


The front pond during winter


Converted aluminum mobile home from the 1950s


Inside the mobile home.  All surfaces are covered with porcelainized steel plates.


Stick-built duplex on skids


Inside the duplex


Portable all-steel house on skids


Inside the portable all-steel house


TV enclosure attached to side of house


Row of houses


Portable hut (right) with separate kitchen and laundry (left)


The ownerÕs private home (right) and kitchen (left)


The pond behind the communal cook shack


Abundant wildlife in pond


Inside communal cook shack


Freestanding sleeping shelter


Storage of 5-gallon water bottles