Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
in the Clinical Setting


This article may be of great help if one has to be hospitalized and needs accommodations for MCS.  The article is written by Carolyn Cooper, who is a Registered Nurse and also holds a Master of Public Health degree.  It was published in the American Journal of Nursing, March 2007.


Nurses who read this article can fill out an online questionnaire and receive three hours of continuing education credits.


The article describes the case history of a patient with MCS, who was admitted to the author’s hospital, and what special accommodations were needed for his care, such as restricting access to his room.


There is a comprehensive discussion of the MCS diagnosis, the history and the controversy, as well as typical symptoms.  This is presented in a balanced, no-nonsense way.  There is no doubt that the author has made herself thoroughly familiar with MCS and drawn the conclusion that it is a legitimate disease in need of special accommodations.


The article provides a checklist for preparing the hospital room, and one for choosing equipment and supplies.  It also goes into detail about proper care for a person with MCS.


The article is eight pages long and includes 29 references for further information.


Obtaining a copy

The American Journal of Nursing declined our request for permission to place a copy of the article on our website.  However, it is presently available for free from another website:


If it is no longer available there, it should be possible to buy a copy from the magazine’s website:


Further materials

The author of the article, Carolyn Cooper, has generously provided us with a copy of a poster she has designed on the subject.